
Handmade jewelry, handpainted candles and much more....

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Are your alarms set????

First alarm - Last day for 20% off entire Etsy shop - what are you waiting for...    jewelry, watercolor, soaps, candles - all handmade by myself - nothing over $25!  Great prices before the discount!

Use code SALE20 at checkout - 

Ships within 2 business days anywhere in the world!  Honest.

35% repeat customers.    
100% positive feedback with over 90 items sold. 

Second alarm - Set Ur alarms for 7 PM E.S.T tonight and come join us for a great cause. Let's help Samantha win her fight with Cystic Fibrosis. To join in on the bidding U must register first please 

This is the link to the auction

Over 100 items - the bidding actually starts on the 30th at 7 PM EST but prebids are acceptable if you register  - check it out - $10 starting for every item - for a good cause - imagine your child or niece or whomever needing a lung transplant at such a young age!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Last weekend for Etsy sale!

What are you waiting for - last weekend for 20% off entire shop - earrings, watercolors, candles, eye-glass lanyards necklaces, anklets, bracelets and more.   Over 20 new items added this month - some already sold. Just use code SALE20 at checkout.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Featured Etsian #10 - Linda Talbott

Linda Talbott's Profile


My beading journey began after working for years as a visual artist. Then my daughter, Amy, started beading and I was hooked. I learned the basics from her, and never looked back (except, of course, at her continued beautiful work). My visual art had evolved over time into work that is highly symbolic, and grounded in archetypal and symbolic imagery. My beadwork led me to explore these same themes..

I grew up and lived most of my life in Maryland, but a short “sabbatical” in Ontario, Oregon, and a longer one in Silver City, New Mexico, had a definite influence on my work. My current jewelry includes themes that are primal/mythic, romantic/decorative, contemporary, and southwestern.

My jewelry has been sold in several emporiums in Maryland and shown in many galleries in New Mexico and Oregon. It also has been shown, alongside my visual art, in a variety of venues. After moving to Lowell, Massachusetts, I am currently focusing on the wider audience that the internet provides to share my jewelry. And yes, I am still active as a visual artist.

I love to combine seemingly disparate elements. For example, I love to pair semi-precious stones and glass; large chunky nuggets with tiny Swarovski crystals; coral and bone with sterling silver accents. It enchants me to combine these different elements, and I am always surprised at where my jewelry leads me. I never met a bead I didn’t like.

Beading is a journey, as is art. I never know when something will inspire me to go into unfamiliar territory, and I love branching out to use new forms of jewelry making. For example, I recently combined shiny faceted Czech glass beads, highly deco, with long pieces of tied rice paper for a look I’m not sure how to describe yet (except that it follows my love of mixed media art). And as a journey, working on each piece, whether it be a necklace or a pair of earrings, is a wonderful experience. It’s this experience of mystery and joy that I want my jewelry to convey to you.

I hope you enjoy visiting my shop and sharing parts of my journey. Maybe you will find something that can add uniquely to your own journey. 
  Snakes and Fishes, ACEO, original colored pencil drawing, water, river, ocean, sea, snakes, snake, fishes, fish, blue, orange Lepidolite and Blue Lace Agate, Dancing Flowers, Bracelet OOAKPink and Blue Czech Glass and Crystal OOAK Summer Dance Necklace

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My flower garden -

Thought I would share some of my recent flower photographs with you all -

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Haiku and painting


Crescent moon above -

Evening hours before sunset.

Time to rest, relax.

Copyright V. Rose 2013

Written for my latest painting listed on my Etsy site


Monday, June 24, 2013

Last week - look great for the summer and more.

Have added 20 new items to my shop this month and was featured in another blog this month  (see my blog of June 22nd).  I have summer jewelry, great summer handpainted candles, moisturizing glycerin soaps, summer art and more.   Check it out and get that 20% off NOW!     Before it is too late.   Ends June 30th.

 Packaged hand-painted candle
 Lots of jewelry available - different sorts -
 Matching earrings available - be ready for Independence day!

 Packaged glycerin soap - different scents available.

This is just a sampling of my over 120 items for sale.

Now want to have a great looking body at the same time- 
 check out my daughter's sites and join the team!  Tighten, tone, detox and make money all at the same time while having parties and being part of  team.  What more could you ask for - and perks galore even if you just become a loyal customer - check it out!

Contact info:
(505) 699-3666



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super sun -

Not the greatest photo on the world but what I saw early this AM with all the fires around - check the previous blog too for some other photos.  Colorado is under flames!
 photo b43d5b86-6501-4ce4-97f6-5b4ebcf61380_zps2f245d45.jpg

Evenings Haiku and photo


Usually quiet

with sunsets of bright rainbows

Tonight only smoke!

Copyright V. Rose 6/13

 As the sun set - the smoke turned to orange.
That little dot is the sun!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I am featured!

Here is the direct link:


Or read it here - 

My Twenty-Sixth Featured Etsian

My twenty-sixth featured Etsian here on my blog is a sweet gal I've met on one of the teams I joined on Etsy some time ago.

Meet Vallee Rose from beautiful Colorado, the shop owner for EnchantedRoseProduct found here on Etsy. She is a creative, highly sensitive double Pisces who loves to make things, paint, and garden. She makes every inch of her home and yard unique and sacred.

Vallee is no longer able to work in the "regular" workforce so Etsy is now her home for work. She cares for her husband, dog, cat, yard, and garden so she is never bored. Vallee loves the little bunnies, birds, deer and other critters around her house, (though she'll pass on the rattler she saw one day while walking her dog). This gal probably does more in one day sometimes than I do in a whole week or two.

Even though Vallee is always super busy with everyday life and her own Etsy shop, she still takes the time to help promote fellow Etsians. As a matter of fact, she just recently featured our lil' Etsy shop on her blog so now I am returning the kind gesture and sharing her shop with all of you!

EnchantedRoseProduct provides handmade, unique, one-of-a-kind products. As you can tell by the photos, Vallee has a variety of items to choose from in her shop. Pictured are just some of the things she makes: candles, jewelry, soaps, and watercolors. Be sure to check out her shop for more!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Colordo wild fires

Normally don't do 2 blogs at the same time - but these pictures are aery - many states in the 4 corners and California are having major wild fires - here are just a few photos I too the past several evenings - 

June 18th 2013

 June 20th 2013 - that dot is the sun
 Here's the smokey clouds coming to take over the blue skies - and yes that is my home
 About an hour later.....