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Monday, July 28, 2014

SO SO - SHOUT OUT on Bethany Dale

My dear friend Bethany Dale posted my poem, "The White Morning Dove", on her blog  She is still in school and already bloggin' away.  Check out her page -

Written in Black & White


Here's her intro:

Welcome to the world of Written In Black & White. Here I invite you to take a look around and peek at my daily rambling about life, fashion glitter, cakes, books, films and much more. There is no limit to the wonderful and bizarre thoughts floating around in my mind that you may come across on this very page. Make yourself comfortable, get out your box of chocolates and enjoy! 

and this is how she started the blog - check out her beautiful and stunning writting. 

I have always admired people who have a strong passion for writing and the English language as a whole. People such as Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Bronte, Rowling, Cox and several other freelance writers that I just adore. I love their ability to manipulate words, mixing them together to form such stunning sentences and phrases. Its probably one of the reasons I love blogging so much. That and the friends I have made along the way such as Val from Vallee's Blog. We actually became friendly on another website and it wasn't until a  while back that I realized we both had blogs of our own!
Recently Val, ever the inspiring poet, posted a beautiful poem on her blog called The White Morning Dove. I just loved it. It was so true and honest that it brought tears to my eyes- not that I'm trying to depress you or anything.

She is such a wonderful inspiring person and guess what else?

Let's do a SO (Shout Out) about her BIRTHDAY!!!!


July 31st!

So let's rock 'n roll all week long especially since it IS the start of your vacation!

Flowers for my friend!


  1. Aw! Val thank you so muh for this, you nearly had me crying xx Lots of love,
    Bethany of www.writteninblackwhte.blogspot.com
